Right Thing Right Bin

Right Thing, Right Bin - a simple guide from East Lindsey District Council on what to do with your waste and recycling at home click here 

Changes to Recycling - Frequently Asked Questions click here

**** Here are a few reminders ****

Purple Bins: "No" - Takeaway or Food Boxes, Shredded Paper, Books or Cigarette Packets

Grey Bins: "No" - Clothes / Textiles, Black or Brown Plastic Food Trays, Paper & Cardboard, Polystyrene, Batteries or Electrical Items

Black Bin: "No" - Batteries or Electrical Items, Hazardous Waste, Building Materials

Green Bin: "No" - Soil, Food Waste, Plastic Bags, Animal Waste, Large Pieces of Wood, Rubble or Stone 

For your full A - Z of Waste Disposal in East Lindsey click here to find out how you should dispose of a number of household and garden items

Published: Sunday, 11th December 2022