January 2020 Agenda (16th)
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Huttoft Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday, 16th January, 2020 commencing at 7 pm in Huttoft Village Hall.
There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.00-7.15 when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.
M Sylvester Clerk to the Council Date 9th January, 2020
1. Apologies for absence & acceptance of any reasons given
- Public Participation
- Declarations of Interest
2. Notes of meeting held on 21st November, 2019 & 9th January, 2020 to be approved as the minutes
3. Clerk’s Report of matters outstanding
4. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies
5. Correspondence
6. Financial Matters – to approve accounts for payment
7. To consider moving to Online Banking
8. Precept 2020/21
9. Planning Matters – to discuss planning applications/issues
10. Councillor Vacancy
11. Any Other Matters (for discussion only)