Agenda 20th May 2024 - Annual Statutory Meeting


Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Statutory meeting of Huttoft Parish Council which will be held in the Huttoft Village Hall on Monday 20th May 2024 commencing at 7pm. 

There will be a public forum at the start of the meeting when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (maximum 15 minutes).

M Rudd            Clerk to the Council                                                           Date:  14 May 2024 __________________________________________________________________________


  1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
  2. Election of Parish Council Chair
  3. Election of Parish Council Vice-Chair
  4. Appointment of Parish Council Treasurer
  5. Reappoint Parish Council Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer
  6. To accept the Resignation of Councillor Kate Golightly with effect from 29th April 2024
  7. Apologies for Absence and Acceptance of any reasons given
  8. Public Participation – members of the public are invited to discuss local matters
  9. To receive Declaration of Interest and any requests for dispensations
  10. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Statutory meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 18th May 2023
  11. To approve and sign the Annual Governance & Accountability Returns 2023/24
  12. To approve the Parish Council Standing Orders
  13. To approve the Parish Council Financial Regulations
  14. Clerks Report on outstanding matters
  15. Financial Matters
  16. Planning Matters
  17. Reports from Outside Bodies
  18. National Grid: Eastern Green Link 3 & 4 Non-Statutory Consultation
  19. LCF GRASSroots Scheme – Parish & Community Grants 
  20. Any Other Matters (for discussion only)
  21. Date of next Meeting: Monday 8th July 2024