Minutes 8th September 2022


PRESENT:      Cllrs. N Sylvester (Chair), P Lapczuk, C Meaker, R Briggs, R Ward, A Broughton & 7 members of the public

4474.   WELCOME:

The Chair welcomed Councillors and members of the public to the meeting. Prior to start of the meeting, the Chair held a Two Minute Silence following the announcement at 18:30 of the death of HM The Queen


Apologies were received from Cllrs. R Walker & D Price – Accepted


A member of Huttoft Playing Field Committee advised the Council that goodwill of volunteers has kept the Playing Field going but there are only funds left to support the Playing Field for one more year.  A request for funds from ELDC/LCC had not been successful.  A request was made for potential funding from the Parish Council. Cllr Meaker stated that the Village Hall AGM was being held on 9th September and monies raised from Car Boot Sales and other fund-raising events will be donated to the Playing Fields Committee.



4476.   MINUTES:

Cllr Briggs raised two points regarding the minutes of the meeting of 21st July 2022.  A request from the previous meeting that Huttoft Playing Field was put on the agenda as an item for discussion had not been done.  Concern was also raised regarding the process of appointing the new Council Clerk.  Cllr Briggs stated that it was agreed at the last meeting that 3 Councillors were to interview potential candidates and, following interviews, a decision would be brought back to all Councillors to make a final decision on the appointment.  The Chair stated that the meeting of 8th September was that meeting.  Following discussion, the Chair stated that a new Clerk had been appointed and Cllr Briggs’ understanding of the process was incorrect.  Following the discussion, Cllr Lapczuk left the meeting.

Proposed and Seconded & RESOLVED that the minutes of 21st July 2022, having been circulated and read, were approved and signed by the Chairman.


30mph Speed Signs had now been erected on Mumby Road at the south end of the village. One of the signs appears to have been slightly damaged by a vehicle.

Overhanging trees/hedge at Cherry Tree Plot, Mumby Road had been reported as overgrown at the meeting of 21st July.  These have now been cut back


Cllr Matthews (LCC) confirmed that LLC Highways had looked at the proposal for a footpath from Mill Lane to Sutton Road due to an increase in walkers using the grass verge. Although the proposal was being reviewed by LCC, there are no funds currently available and it was unlikely to go ahead 

A proposal for a new footpath on the A52 between school car park and the service station was been developed by LCC. Various alternative options were being developed by LCC including potentially siting the footpath behind the service station. LCC were requesting funding for the work

Cllr Matthews asked for photographs of the flooding problems, raised by a resident on Sutton Road, to enable potential resolution.  The resident confirmed they have a photograph and would print off and send to Cllr Matthews (via Clerk)

Cllr Matthews confirmed the long overdue work on the trees on the green adjacent to St Margaret’s Close had still not been completed and ownership of the green had not been transferred to ELDC as a result.  Waiting an update as to whether ELDC had commenced enforcement against the owner of the land


Viking Link – notification of works received. Transportation of large cables is being undertaken between 5th September and 21st October.  3500 letters have been sent to residents directly affected by the work.  No large vehicles would be travelling through Huttoft village.

Anglian Water – notification of proposals for the development of two new reservoirs: one in Cambridgeshire and one in Lincolnshire. Actual site to be decided with work not anticipated to begin until around 2030


Monies paid between meetings:

Xtreme Chainsaw - £450 – Jubilee Tree Carving (this expenditure is covered by a Community Grant of £650)

N. Sylvester (Chair) - £21.00 – Wood Oil for the Tree Carving

M. Sylvester (outgoing Clerk) - £13.47 – HP Printing Costs (April – August)

Councillors considered the payments and RESOLVED to approve

Amounts awaiting payment approval:

Steven Mason - £900 – Grasscutting.  Proposed & Seconded and RESOLVED to approve

Appointment of External Auditors – to appoint new external auditors for a 5-year period.  Proposed & Seconded and RESOLVED to appoint


Cllr Walker provided an update report covering a number of issues including (i) condition of roads from the village to the Terrace and lack of warning signs along Sea Lane regarding pedestrians, cyclists and horses; (ii) near misses at the junction of Sea Lane, Roman Bank and Sutton Bank due to lack of signage (iii) sand covering the yellow lines at the Terrace (iv) Eurobins – thanks to the contractors for their valuable work in keeping the Terrace clear of rubbish during the summer (v) problems with the lack of mobile phone coverage, poor signage and large vehicles parking inappropriately continue (vi) several complaints regarding eCycles, electric scooters speeding along splash deck and (vii) continued dog fouling due to no bins along splash deck

Cllr Matthews (LCC) suggested that Cllr Walkers report be sent to Chris Miller (LCC) and that Chris Miller and Cllr Davie should be invited to a meeting of the Parish Council to discuss the continued issues at the Terrace


N/089/01163/22 - Woodrow Farm, Sutton Road – Full Planning Granted

4483.   A52 Footpath – Update:

Item covered under 4478. Reports from Outside Bodies above


Invite to Tender sent to 3 contractors. Closing date for tenders is 30th September


Council has been successful in their bid for 3 bench seats as part of the Visit Lincolnshire Coast Environment Enhancement Project.  A decision on where to place the bench’s will be made once delivered


Cllr Briggs apologised for upsetting fellow Councillors during the earlier discussion on the appointment process of the new Clerk.  Cllr Briggs stated he would be happy to step down as a Councillor if that ensured that no other Councillors resigned from the Council as a result of the discussion.  Cllr Briggs specifically requested this was minuted by the Clerk.

Cllr Meaker advised attendees that there would be a small gathering straight after the meeting to thank Mrs Marlene Sylvester, the outgoing Clerk to the Council, for her 14 years dedicated service to the Parish Council

A resident, on behalf of another resident, asked if the 3 trees immediately outside the Village Hall could be trimmed as the resident was concerned they may fall and damage his property.  The trees are owned by BT and the Chair said the resident should write to BT requesting the work be undertaken

4487.   The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 17th November 2022 at 7pm

4488.   There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05 pm